Certificate Course in Information Technology Application

Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide hands-on experience and knowledge to students in using Microsoft Office package and conduct day to day functions required such as word processing, working with spread sheets, developing presentations, designing and developing databases and understanding the fundamentals of computers.

Level: Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level 1 (Certificate in Information Technology Application)

Course Fee:Registration Fee – Rs   1,500/- ; Course Fee – Rs 25,000/- ; Examination Fee – Rs   3,500/-


Entry Requirement:After G.C.E. O/L with pending results                

Course Duration:6 months (30 credits)

Teaching Methods:Lectures, Practical Sessions, Assignments, Project, Discussions and Presentations

Evaluation Methods:Assignments, Presentations, Project Evaluations, Examinations/Tests

Course Outline:

No Module
1 Computer Fundamentals
2 Online Fundamentals
3 Word Processing
4 Spread Sheets
5 Presentations
6 Desktop Publishing
7 IT Project/Career Skills