Diploma Course in Web Engineering

Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide students the knowledge, skills and understanding on web development and web designing. At the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in information communication technology, information security, computer networks and data communication. Students will also be able to design, develop & deploy websites and web-based systems.

Level: Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level 3/ NVQ Level 5
(Diploma in Information Technology Application)

Course Fee: Registration Fee – Rs   1,000/- ; Course Fee – Rs 25,000/- ; Examination Fee – Rs   4,000/-

Medium: English

Entry Requirement: Passed G.C.E.  (A/L) or any equivalent qualification as per SLQF guidelines             

Course Duration:  450 hours (30 credits)

Mode: Online

Teaching Methods:  Lectures, Practical Sessions, Assignments, Project, Discussions and Presentations

Evaluation Methods:  Assignments, Presentations, Project Evaluations, Examinations/Tests/Quizzes

Course Outline:

No Module CreditsHours
1 Computer Fundamentals and Internet230
2 Introduction Web Technologies 460
3 Information Security 230
4 HTML for Basic Web Design 460
5 Style sheet for web Page (CSS and Bootstrap Framework)460
6 Client server Programming (JavaScript) 460
7 Server-Side Programming (PHP) and Server-Side Integration (PHP & MYSQL)575
8Content Management System (WordPress) and Web hosting575